Golden Grahams Bars

Crunchy, chocolatey, and made with just FIVE ingredients. Even better: it’s no-bake a super easy to make. Winning!

Golden Grahams Bars. Plain and simple. Like, as in, let’s get retro and go back to making bars from a box of cereal because HONESTLY IT’S JUST SO GOOD.

Do you mind? I am going to go full throwback retro dessert bar on you today.

I have had a MAJOR sweet tooth in the last few weeks as you might remember from this Mocha Peanut Butter Pie and these Raspberry Crumble Bars and last week’s Cookie Dough Energy Bites which are kind of dessert masquerading as health food balls. It’s the baby, I think, right? I can put this on her.


These Golden Grahams bars are batting 100% for satisfying every dessert bar desire of my heart lately: crunchy, sticky, and 15-minute easy. I also love them because I grew up eating a lot of dessert bars (Minnesota represent!) in church basements, sporting events, and slumber parties. Creme Brûlée? Cheesecake? Tiramisu? Meh, that’s nice, but just cut me a hunk of that marshmallow cereal bar, wouldya?

Reasons To Love Golden Grahams Bars:

  • Crunchy. SO CRUNCHY. Crunch, crunch, crunch.
  • Sweet and chocolatey.
  • Just the right amount of marshmallow-sticky.
  • No baking.
  • Easy to make.
  • Easy to cut, store, transport, and pass around to friends.
  • Easy to eat 5 without realizing. Wait, that’s a good thing, right?

If you are not immediately entranced by the hot, gooey, chocolate-marshmallow + crispy graham cereal business that just bumped into your face, you might not be human.

At this point in the “baking” process, you will need to stop, get out a spoon, and eat hot, shapeless, melted cereal-chocolate-mallow mash-up for a few minutes.

Once you’ve cut yourself off from the depths of warm Golden Graham bar mixture, you are ready to press and cut.

And when your Golden Grahams bars have cooled (which takes roughly fifteen minutes – yet another reason I love these babies), you need to cut them into VERY LARGE pieces, which is ideal for admiring your deliciously creviced cross-section of cereal, chocolate, and mallow.

You guys, I make no apologies. This is what I love right now.

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

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